im so happy you found yourself here.
my story is similer to alot of people i think…after a lifetime of living in a chaos filled- shallowed breath- fight or fight induced existance… i found a yoga class and it changed me…it changed everything…
for the first time i can remember …it was quiet. all was well, no one needed me and the miles of to-do’s vanished. i used my breath in way that felt cathartic and i knew in my soul that this was my calling. to help others find their breath and a connection to the body that evokes this divinity, a sense of peace, contentment and love that’s deep inside, and if you get quiet enough you can access parts of you that maybe you havent met yet.
I started practicing everyday and eventually got my teaching certification. teaching local yoga classes. i am forever a student continully learning, growing, evolving. which has led me to add in more healing techniques, like sound baths, breathwork AND MEDITATIONS. i get so excited when i learn new things and my joy comes from sharing all these amazing BEAUTIFUL TOOLS, we have access to and to help others tap into the gift of peace so that we may be peacemakers in this world.